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Sunday, July 14, 2013

I Did Not Think This Possible But....................

When the Syrian rebels started killing each other, I thought that things in Syria had reached about as low as they could go, but I was wrong.  Things in Syria did just get worse.  How so?  According to the Times of India, the Taliban of Pakistan have now set up a base in Syria from which they can assist the Sunni rebels with whom they are affiliated.  Many of the Sunni rebels (in particular those who are part of al Nusrah and al Qaeda) fought with the Taliban in Afghanistan.  As a result, the Taliban is returning the favor in Syria.

Just think about this.  People who fought and killed American troops in Afghanistan are moving into Syria to "help" the people there fight against the murderous Assad forces.  If Assad wins there will no doubt be hundreds of thousands of Sunnis killed or expelled from the country.  If the rebels backed by the Taliban win, there will no doubt be hundreds of thousands of Shiites killed or expelled from the country.  That is some great choice.

It did not have to be this way.  The Sunni forces that want a more secular, democratic regime were the original rebels.  Had they received assistance from America when the revolt began, we could have watched them remove Assad, get rid of the alliance with Iran, cut off supplies to Hezbollah and provide another country like Iraq where the possibility, at least, of democracy flourished in the Middle East.  Of course, thanks to the complete inaction of president Obama and his advisors, America just watched as the rebellion was slowly consumed by the terrorists who infiltrated into Syria to take control.  Now we are at the point where there is almost no possibility of a good outcome.  The only question is just how bad the result will be and how many more hundreds of thousands will die.

The situation in Syria is useful in one regard, it should make clear once and for all that the Israeli/Palestinian disputes are not the cause of the unrest and anti-Americanism in the Middle East.  Sure, Secretary of State Kerry is still trying to get Israeli/Palestinian peace talks going and devoting much energy to that task.  But that is because Kerry is a dodo, a know-nothing who seems incapable of understanding facts rather than political dogma.  If Israel and the Palestinians were totally at peace, the Syrians would still be killing people at the rate of over 1000 per week, the Egyptians would still be rioting about the future of their government, and things would be basically the same around the world.




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