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Sunday, August 1, 2010

Maxine Waters -- it all becomes clearer

A few months back, the Congressional Black caucus claimed that the House ethics committee was treating them unfairly. Now it is all becoming clear why they complained. First, Charlie Rangel was charged with 13 separate counts of violation of House rules. These included actions which are federal crimes like tax evasion. It is hard to make the point that you are being treated unfairly if the committee is taking action against you for criminal behavior. Now comes the news that this week we will hear from the committee that Maxine Waters will be charged with using her influence to help a bank in which her family had a large investment. Since the details of the charge have not yeet been made public, I am just repeating the stories that have appeared on innumerable websites. If the story turns out to be slightly different from what I listed above, Waters may survive. On the other hand, if she actually used her Congressional position so that her husband (and she) could profit from the move, then her days in Washington are likely numbered. While she comes from a one-party district and would probably get re-elected even if she were censured by the House, it is more likely that the House would expel her if she were profiting from her congressional actions.

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