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Sunday, June 26, 2016

A Few Things No One Seems To Notice

Since it's a Sunday and there is time to ponder things that often get short shrift during the week, I want to point our a few things that get no notice at all by the media and their commentariat.

1.  In the aftermath of the Brexit vote, we have been deluged by many on the left pointing out what a big mistake Britain has made and those on the right mostly approving the action of the Brits.  One of the biggest pieces of evidence used by the libs this weekend is the major decline in the stock markets on Friday, the day after the Brexit vote.

Think about that.  Supposedly, it's the libs who constantly tell us about how evil Wall Street and the banks are.  Bernie Sanders ran half his campaign on breaking up the banks.  Hillary Clinton may have taken more cash from Wall Street and big banks than any candidate in the history of the world, but she still talks about how we need to teach them a lesson.  Here we get something that obviously hurt Wall Street and it's the Democrats who are screaming about how terrible that is.

2.  Donald Trump gave a stemwinder of a speech last Tuesday in which he set forth much of what is wrong with the things Hillary Clinton has done.  Trump also, however, has told us what he wants to accomplish as president.  All we heard from the media after that speech, however, was a few stories about how some of Trump's facts were incorrect.  I saw at least five stories discussing whether or not Hillary kept a bracelet given to her by the sultan of Brunei.  There was next to no discussion of Trump's plans for the country.  Indeed, the only coverage of the plans in the mainstream media last week consisted of stories about Hillary's speech in which she said that unnamed "experts" have said that Trump's economic plans would lead to recession.  There was not detail about what the supposed expert said or any hint of why Trump's plan would supposedly lead to recession.  The media also has not covered the lack of any plan from Hillary on how to get the economy growing again.  Aren't the American people entitled to know what the candidates for president propose (or in Hillary's case don't propose) to do about our stagnant economy?

3.  In the last two days it was announced that the Stonewall Inn in Manhattan has been named a national historic monument.  Stonewall is where the "gay pride" movement began.  I saw an article in which the idiotic senator from Connecticut, Democrat Chris Murphy, announced he was amazed that the Stonewall had been so designated.  Think about that.  The designation was made by the Obama administration.  That means that Murphy is amazed that president Obama would honor a gay pride site.  Now, to be fair, we are talking about Murphy who is usually operating a few French fries short of a happy meal.  Nevertheless, wouldn't you think that the reporters would ask him why he is amazed that Obama would name the Stonewall Inn?

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