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Thursday, June 30, 2016

But How Do We Know?

It's fun to watch the reaction from various Democrats to the tawdry meeting held by Bill Clinton and Attorney General Loretta Lynch at the Phoenix airport.  Bill is, of course, married to Hillary Clinton and is a likely witness should Hillary get indicted.  Lynch is the federal official who supposedly has the final say on whether or not that indictment of Hillary will be filed.  Lawyers often talk about avoiding improprieties or even "the appearance of impropriety".  It's hard to imagine something with more appearance of impropriety than the Clinton/Lynch meeting.  As a result, it's making Democrats in Washington squirm.

The Senate Democrat leadership tells us that Lynch is highly ethical and that nothing was discussed about a possible indictment of Hillary.  Sure.  How do they know that?  They "know" it because that's what Lynch and Clinton said.  But if Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch discussed in detail ways for the indictment of Hillary to "go away", is there anyone who actually believes that they would actually tell anyone that was subject of discussion?  No one is that dumb -- except maybe for the Senate Democrat leadership.

There is no way for any of us to know what Clinton and Lynch discussed.  No way at all.  And that is the problem.

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