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Thursday, June 23, 2016

No Donor Left Behind

Hillary Clinton unveiled her latest initiative today in a speech to the top officials of Goldman Sachs, J.P.Morgan, Citibank, Morgan Stanley among others.  The text of the speech was not released and no press was allowed.  Leaks from those who were in attendance disclosed, however, that Mrs. Clinton made a great show of announcing her latest proposal for the economy.  She calls the plan "No Donor Left Behind".  Basically, for any company that contributes a minimum of five million dollars to the Clinton foundation, Hillary promises to use the full power of the federal government to get any competitors out of the way.  For five million to the foundation plus at least two speeches by Bill Clinton (at half a million dollars a pop), Hillary will also throw in an autographed picture and an actual "get out of jail free" card just like in the game of Monopoly.  These "get out of jail free" cards, however, will actually work to excuse any executive of the company making the donation from the federal crime of his or her choice.  The last provision of the plan that leaked deals only with media companies.  For every fifty positive stories about Hillary or her administration or for every ten false positive stories on the same subject, Hillary will grant an exclusive interview provided that all questions are submitted and approved in advance.


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