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Friday, June 24, 2016

More Proof Everything Hillary Did With Emails Was Intentional

After the news yesterday that the State Department was confirming that Hillary Clinton did not turn over an email containing one of the only discussions about the use of her private email server, I thought things had gotten just about as bad for Mrs. Clinton as possible.  After all, the whole world now knows that Hillary lied when she said that all work-related emails had been turned over.  Even worse, it was now clear that Hillary had tried to hide anything that showed she knew all about the dangers of her home-brew server system.  But today, things are worse.  There's a new story by the AP in which we learn that Clinton's calendar of events from her days as Secretary of State left off at least 75 meetings with major political donors as well as with people who gave hundreds of millions to her foundation and who also had business before the State Department.  Think about that.  Clinton's calendar is the official record of her meetings while she was Secretary of State.  It's a government record, not a personal document belonging to Hillary.  It is meant to be used by historians to see what happened during a particular period.  It is meant also to be used by people today -- especially the media -- to keep tabs on what the Secretary of State is doing.  And this is the record that Hillary Clinton "edited" in order to keep secret her many meetings with political donors and cronies who had business in front of the State Department.  Maybe the best way to think about it is this:  if a government official was selling his or her office to the highest bidder, would that official want a record of the meetings where the bidding occurred?  It seems that Mrs. Clinton did not want any record of these meetings.

What we have is a major one-two punch.  First we learn that Hillary kept back critical emails from the State Department, email that made clear that she was intentionally hiding her actions from the Freedom of Information requests and from Congressional and even administration investigation.  Then we learn that Hillary had at least 75 secret meetings with people showering her with big bucks who also wanted her to have the government do things for them.

Hillary is proving that Donald Trump was correct when he said that she is the "most corrupt" person ever to run for the presidency.

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