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Saturday, June 25, 2016

Let's Not Lose Sight Of This (or A Bas Abbas)

President Abbas of the Palestinian Authority addressed the parliament of the European Union this past week.  In his speech Abbas told the elected representatives of the EU member states that Jewish rabbis in Israel had called for the Israeli government to poison the wells from which Palestinian people get their water.  I'm not making this up; Abbas actually said this in an address to the European parliament.  Abbas did not identify the rabbis, their statements, or the wells to which he referred.

Two days then go by.  After a firestorm of protest in response to the phony charge, Abbas announced that it turned out that he was misinformed about the supposed statements by unnamed rabbis, so he retracted his statement.  The retraction was issued in English only.

One need not be a genius to have known that there were no Israeli rabbis pushing for the mass poisoning of the Palestinians.  Those are the kinds of things that would have been big news.  Abbas knew that he was just telling lies when he spoke to the European parliament, but that did not stop him.  He had the stage and he decided to go for headlines, the truth be damned.

Why is it that this guy is still in power?  Abbas was elected to a four year term, but that was twelve years ago.  And during all the time that Abbas has stayed illegally as head of the Palestinian Authority, the Obama administration has supported him and sent massive aid as well.  Somehow, however, most of that aid has just not made its way to the people for whom it was intended.  One has to wonder just how enormous Abbas Swiss bank accounts are.  We know that Yassir Arafat had roughly ten billion dollars when he died.  In fact, maybe Yassir is the one who inspired Hillary Clinton in her quest to become a mega billionaire by some very questionable methods.

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