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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

The Liberal Onslaught Seems Never To Stop

There was an attack by an Islamic terrorist in Orlando that killed 50 and wounded scores more.  It was terrible.  There are many different views about the attack, but here are two that have been pushed in the mainstream media:

1.  Donald Trump is "smearing president Obama and the Democrats" with the attack.

2.  The NRA and the Republicans who support gun rights are responsible for the attack.

It's almost funny to see these two storylines get pushed simultaneously.  After all, the second item is nothing more than Obama, Clinton and the Democrats trying to smear Trump and the GOP with the attack.  So for the left to claim that it is they and their president who are being smeared is just beyond belief.

Let's back up a bit.  The attack came from an Islamic terrorist.  (I know, I know that we're not supposed to call them that.  He was just a nice guy trying to get by in a troubled world who happened to spend time a few weeks back buying weapons and who then cruelly murdered over four dozen people in the name of Allah.)  The federal government headed by Obama is supposed to keep us safe, but in this instance it totally failed.  This is not the first or second or third time that Obama and his people have failed miserably to stop an attack by an Islamic terrorist.  Indeed, this time, the feds knew all about the murderous thug (sorry, the poor unfortunate misled murderer).  The terrorist worked for a government contractor and passed all the background checks for that job.  He also passed all the background checks and other requirements to legally obtain the weapons he used in the massacre.  No additional gun control laws have been proposed which would have made any difference in that outcome.  So, without a doubt, one cannot blame the NRA or Republicans for the failure of Obama's government to protect us.  That fault lies with Obama, Hillary and the Democrats.

Now if Donald Trump points out that Obama has no plan to deal with these attacks by ISIS, is that a smear?  Remember, Obama told us again today, TODAY, that his plans for dealing with ISIS are working fine.  I wonder if the victims of the Orlando attack could talk whether they would agree.  My guess is that any sane person interested in protecting American lives would understand that Obama's so called strategy for dealing with ISIS is a total failure.  It is more than a year since Obama told the world that he would destroy ISIS.  Obama likes to say that ISIS has not taken any more territory in Iraq in the last six months.  There are problems with that, however.  First, ISIS has taken territory in Syria, Egypt and Libya during that time.  Second, ISIS terror attacks around the globe have been stepped up dramatically in the last year.  Third, ISIS has not been pushed out of much of the territory it held when Obama first made his declaration.  Remember, we all know that if Obama wanted to, he could have the US military destroy ISIS in just a few weeks.  There would be some residual fighting, but the big battles in Iraq and Syria would be over and ISIS would be nothing but a burnt out shell of its current form.  ISIS would no longer get recruits wanting to join a winner; ISIS would be the big loser.  But Obama has not given the order to take out ISIS.  He has not had the decency to explain to America why he has stayed silent on that front.  He just claims that he will destroy ISIS and then does nothing.  So when Trump points out what Obama has done (or more precisely what he has not done), that is no smear.  It's something called the truth.

Now I know that "truth" is a concept that many on the left like Obama and Clinton find troubling.  It often seems as if Hillary does not understand the concept and that Obama actively ignores it.  Nevertheless, the average America does understand what the truth is.  They know that the policy of the Obama administration which Clinton says she wants to continue will only bring us more of the same.  That is more death, more terror attacks, more wounded, more horror! 

That is no smear.  It's just the truth, the unvarnished truth.

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