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Sunday, June 12, 2016

Islamic Terrorism Hits Florida -- Hillary Silent

The terrorist who attacked a gay club in Orlando has been identified as Omar Mateen, a Moslem whose family is from Afghanistan.  The reports say that Mateen was wearing a suicide vest and that he killed 50 and wounded 40 in the club in a shooting spree that left him finally among the dead.  The attack came only three days after ISIS issued a warning that it would soon strike in Florida.  The Orange County Sherriff's office has announced that this is an act of radical Islamic terrorism.

ISIS has made it's way once again into the USA to carry out an attack.  It's a sign of the magnitude of the problem we all face.

We can debate what needs to be done, but we need to start with recognizing the problem.  That's why I looked to see what Hillary Clinton said about this terrorist attack.  So far, Hillary has issued a statement deploring the "devastating news" from Florida.  She says nothing about ISIS, nothing about radical Islamic terrorism, indeed nothing about terrorism at all.  At least she hasn't made the terrorist attack into a pitch for gun control again.  It is truly disgusting that a woman who wants to be president cannot even manage to call this event by what it truly is:  an attack by Islamic terrorists focused on gays.  Think about it.  If Donald Trump says something about a judge being Mexican, it's racist and disgusting and unacceptable for Hillary and the media and much of the Washington elite.  If a Moslem terrorist from ISIS attacks and kills 50 gays and wounds about as many, it's only "devastating news" but Hillary cannot even bring herself to say the words Islamic terrorism.  And she certainly hasn't mentioned the obvious anti-gay nature of the crime.

I'm sure as the day progresses and pressure builds on Hillary Clinton, we will see some sort of weak statement on the Florida attack.  But just remember her first reaction; that's the true one.

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