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Monday, June 20, 2016

Editing The Orlando Transcript

It's beyond amazing that the feds thought that they could release an edited version of the 911 calls made by the Orlando terrorist during the terror attack.  Attorney General Loretta Lynch announced that the DOJ would release the transcript today with all references to ISIS and its leader removed from the document.  We all know that this happened, however.  Did Lynch actually think that removing the words of the terrorist would change anyone's perception of the event?

Since the release this morning of the edited transcript, there was quite a furor raised about covering up that this was an Islamic terror attack.  Now, the feds have relented and released the transcript of the entire event with the exact words that the terrorist thug used.

It makes me wonder who makes decisions in Washington.  There's a new show on CBS called Brain Dead in which various politicians in Washington have their brains eaten by some sort of bugs.  Maybe it's actually a documentary.

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