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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Biden Proves Not Running

There has been talk of Joe Biden running for president in 2020.  It's a rather fanciful idea since Biden will be ancient by then.  He would be the oldest president in history were he to win.  That's not just the oldest president when inaugurated, but rather the oldest president at any time.  On top of that, Biden has a dreadful record when it comes to running.  In two different campaigns, his best showing was to get 2% of the vote in one primary.  So, it has been a silly speculation to think he would run.

Now, however, Biden has confirmed indirectly that he will not be running.  At an event yesterday, Biden called those who voted for Trump for President "the dregs of society".  Think about that.  Hillary got slammed repeatedly for calling some Trump voters a "basket of deplorables."  Biden went worse and made all Trump voters into the dregs of society.  Biden may have no chance to win, but he knows better than to start out by calling half the country the dregs of society.

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