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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Women and Moderates, Really?

The new line from the Democrat supporting media is that the Bret Kavanaugh - Dr. Ford mess will hurt Republicans with women and moderates.  That surely seems strange to me, but again I have to confess that I am neither a woman nor a moderate.  Indeed, for the mainstream media, I would be characterized as some sort of devil; I'm a white, male conservative.  (Oh, the horror!)

Think about what we've seen in the last week.  Dr. Ford's name was leaked by a Democrat to out her in the media as the Kavanaugh accuser.  We don't know which Democrat leaked the name, but we do know that only senator Feinstein and a California congressman (both Democrats) knew the name, so the choice for the source of the leak makes clear which party did it.  Will women hold it against the GOP that the Democrats forced this woman into the public arena against her will (supposedly)?  I don't see it.

Then there's the committee hearing stuff.  When the leak first happened, Dr. Ford stated through her attorney that she was prepared to come and testify and the Democrats demanded a hearing.  When the Republicans said they thought a hearing should be held, the Democrats backed off and asked for a closed door hearing.  When the Republicans said fine, there could be a closed door hearing, Ford backed away again.  Now, the Republicans are offering Ford a public hearing, a private hearing, a conference with the committee staff in DC or one at her home in California.  As of now, Ford is refusing to attend any of these.  To make matters worse, senator Feinstein is now refusing even to show the Republican senators a copy of the original letter written by Dr. Ford that started all this.  Imagine her office most likely leaked that letter to the media, but she won't show it to the other senators on the Judiciary Committee.  So will moderates be angry at the GOP over this?  How about women?  Again, I don't see it.

I think that fair minded people all across America will see this as a naked political move by the Democrats.  They attacked Kavanaugh through Dr. Ford who was at worst a willing participant and at best an innocent victim of the Democrats' plan.  No one who is not already a strident Democrat partisan would look at these events and blame the GOP.  After all, what did the GOP senators do wrong?  Offer Ford the hearing she demanded?  Agree that she could testify behind closed doors as she demanded?  The only thing that can be held against the GOP would be their refusal to delay the hearing for an FBI investigation, which the FBI already says will not take place.

The truth is that I think the latest view from the left is nothing more than wishful thinking.  They shot themselves in the foot in this Ford-Kavanaugh mess.  Indeed, at the moment, it looks like the Democrats have pretty much guaranteed a Republican senate after the November elections.

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