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Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Big Lie Methodology of the Left

During the 1930's the Nazi regime in Germany and the Communist regime in the USSR perfected the technic called the "big lie".  The concept is to make up a major lie, repeat it frequently and with increasing vehemence, and finally to establish it as accepted truth (even though it is false.)  With the defeat of the Nazis in World War II and the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of the Cold War, it was thought that this sort of mass deception was over.  After all, if a state had a free press, there would be no way to put the lies out into the public unopposed.  Once the truth was disclosed, the lie would collapse.  Sadly, that has proven not to be the case in modern America.  We are now facing, as a nation, a daily battle to stop the major lies propagated by the Democrats with the aid of the mainstream media.  That unholy alliance has brought back the Big Lie and is pushing those lies daily.

For example, the Democrats have told us for a long time now that Republicans are racist.  It's not true, but that doesn't matter to the Dems or the media.  No matter how tenuous a link, anything a Republican does that could be pushed towards racism is denounced as a horrible example of blatant racism.  Think of the new GOP nominee for governor in Florida who said that the state should not mess up its great economy achieved under Republican governor Scott by "monkeying around" with the socialist agenda being pushed by the Democrat nominee.  Since the Democrat is a black man, the use of the word "monkeying" suddenly was denounced as a major indicator that the GOP candidate was a racist and a white supremacist.  It's so wrong that it's silly, but the charge of GOP racism has been repeated so often and so strongly, that the lie is considered true by many.  Even friends of mine who are supposedly intelligent people give consideration to whether or not this is indication of a racist.  The big lie worked there.

Another big lie used by the Democrats is that President Trump's administration is in chaos.  They started with the primary campaign.  The media told the country that Trump couldn't get the nomination because his campaign was just totally in chaos.  The campaign wasn't in chaos, but they lied.  Then the GOP convention was in chaos and would be a failure, or so they told us.  When that didn't happen, the mantra changed.  Trump's general election team was in chaos.  These lies, of course, were supposed to undermine the Trump effort in the election.  That failed; Trump won.  The lie didn't stop, however.  The media went on to the transition team and told America that the team was in chaos.  Then Trump took office, and we were told the White House staff is in chaos.  In fact, we've been told about chaos in the White House ever since then.  The problem, of course, is that Trump has accomplished so much that it seems as if he did more in a year and a half than Obama did in eight years, so how could there be chaos?  It doesn't matter, though.  The lie is that the White House is nothing but constant turmoil which prevents anything good from happening.  Sadly, this has been repeated so often that there are actually people who believe this lie.

And then there's the granddaddy of all these lies, the collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia in 2016.  We've had two and a half years now of investigations of this charge and no evidence of collusion has been uncovered.  It doesn't stop the Dems or the media; they stick with the big lie.  Indeed, if the special prosecutor reports that there is no evidence of collusion, a great many people who have been convinced by the constant repetition of the big lie will assume that Mueller is lying.  This is a big lie designed to bring down the Trump presidency.  It's a lie, nevertheless.

Now we have the Kavanaugh big lie.  Judge Kavanaugh is a dangerous radical right winger and white supremacist according to the media and the Dems.  This is a hateful lie which does great damage to the nation.  Kavanaugh will be confirmed; that is for certain.  Nevertheless, there are now millions of easily duped people across the country who think that Kavanaugh is a racist right wing ideologue (which is false) rather than a thoughtful and learned fair-minded judge.  This big lie will taint decisions of the Supreme Court for the next 30 years.

For democracy to flourish, there has to be a basic social contract that requires respect for the other citizens with whom one does not agree.  Everyone is entitled to have his or her own opinion.  It is wrong, however, to use dishonesty to try to damage one's opponents.  The big lie methodology of the Left is sticking a knife blade into our country's heart.

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