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Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Repeating The Obvious

Brett Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings to become a justice of the Supreme Court began today in predictable fashion. 

a.  Something like two dozen protesters disrupted the hearing and had to be thrown out of the room.  The protesters, of course, were given seats at the hearing by the Democrat members of the committee, so this was a planned disruption.  None of the protesters seemed to have any rational reason for their opposition; they just screamed all sorts of phony charges against the judge.

b.  The Democrats on the senate committee took turns outdoing each other in excoriating judge Kavanaugh, again without basis.  These are essentially all senators who refused to meet with the judge to learn his views and who then spent time criticizing Kavanaugh for those very same views.  It as pretty clear that the Democrats had no idea about what they were talking.

c. The hearings seem to be more about hearing the senators pontificate rather than about learning of Kavanaugh's views.  When last I checked, after hour upon hour of hearings, no one had yet asked judge Kavanaugh a question or heard him speak on any subject.  It's just posturing, not an actual hearing.

d.  We heard the repeated complaint that the Dems had not gotten sufficient written material about Kavanaugh.  Then we learned that the committee got more on Kavanaugh than the total document production combined for the last five justices confirmed to the court.  When that lie was exposed, the Dems switched to a claim that they got so much that they did not have sufficient time to review the documents.  It was just another ploy.

The truth is that these hearings are a sham.  Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed.

You have to wonder why the Dems go to such great lengths to put on such a poor performance.  Anyone paying attention knows this is all BS staged for an audience.  Those not paying attention won't be swayed by something they do not see or hear. 

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