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Sunday, September 16, 2018

Dishonest Claims of Dishonesty

In a strange sort of turn-around, senate Democrats are making untrue claims about Supreme Court nominee Bret Kavanaugh.  The claims are that Kavanaugh lied in his testimony to the Judiciary Committee.  These are dishonest claims about dishonesty.  They are coming in a coordinated effort from senators including Schumer, Durbin, and the entire Democrat leadership.  They also include Spartacus Booker of New Jersey who has once again released confidential documents that only make him look foolish.

Take a look at the supposed lies by Kavanaugh.  During the hearings, the judge was asked about his role in the confirmation of two other federal judges during time when Kavanaugh worked in the Bush administration.  Kavanaugh said that he was not "the one primarily in charge" of the confirmation effort in the White House.  The Democrats say that emails and other documents from the time show Kavanaugh discussing these confirmation efforts and even drafting a document related to those efforts.  This, according to the Democrats, proves that Kavanaugh lied.  It's a ridiculous charge.  Kavanaugh didn't say he had nothing to do with the effort, just that he was not the one primarily in charge of those efforts.  Indeed, as with most judicial nominations of the Bush administration, the White House counsel was the person in charge of the effort.  The Democrats understand the meaning of the word "primarily", but they nevertheless claim that Kavanaugh lied.  No doubt, the Democrats' allies in the media will promote their charges and ignore their baseless nature.  It will be a well-orchestrated smear of the judge.

Fortunately, the bulk of the Senate will not go along with this sort of thing.  Kavanaugh is going to be confirmed by the end of the month and he will soon sit on SCOTUS.  One does have to wonder, though, if after being forced by the Democrats to undergo the equivalent of a three month colonoscopy, will Justice Kavanaugh hold a grudge.  After all, the victim of such mistreatment may want revenge against his tormentors.

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