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Monday, September 10, 2018

Idlib In the Cross-Hairs

Idlib is the name of a city and a province in northern Syria.  It is the last full province that is under control by Sunni rebels.  The rest of the country is either under the Assad regime, the Kurds, or the US allies (in the east near Iraq).  Assad forces have been launching massive air attacks in the last few days.  Over 1000 strikes have already occurred with resulting major casualties.  That's bad enough, but now come reports that the Assad regime has authorized the use of chemical weapons against the forces (and the civilians) in Idlib.

This is a major problem.  Without a doubt the USA will respond if Assad forces use chemical weapons.  Since the Russians and the Iranians support Assad including with their air forces, an American attack on Assad could lead to a much larger confrontation.

Let's hope that Assad backs down and doesn't risk using chemical weapons.  If he goes ahead with a chemical attack, he could find a massive counterblow that would undermine his whole position in Syria.

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