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Monday, September 24, 2018

The Odds of Ford Showing Up Are Getting Worse

For all the reports of an "agreement" that Dr. Ford will testify on Thursday, it is seeming more and more likely that she won't show.  Tonight, Ford's high powered Democrat-activist lawyer sent a letter to the senate committee denouncing the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for saying that Kavanaugh would get a vote in the Senate.  How dare he say that!  It makes the hearing a travesty, right?  And then there's a batch of new demands about how the hearing will be conducted on Thursday.  In other words, Dr. Ford's lawyer is setting up the scenario in which she refuses to appear because the committee and the Senate has been unfair.

The truth is that if Ford doesn't show on Thursday, it is a very good indicator that she has been knowingly lying all along.  As of now, she has never told her story under oath or even to a federal investigator.  That means she has never lied in a situation which would make her criminally liable.  If she doesn't show for to testify, one can only assume that she doesn't want to risk being arrested for perjury.  Remember, in the Mueller probe, General Flynn and some of the others did nothing wrong, but the got convicted of lying to an FBI agent. 

What does Ford have to hide.  If she's telling the truth, she should show up and tell her story to America. 

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