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Thursday, September 20, 2018

Eshoo Points To Feinstein

Congressman Eshoo is the California Democrat who was first told by Dr. Ford of her allegations against Bret Kavanaugh.  Today, she unintentionally made clear that the leak of Dr. Ford's identity to the media almost certainly had to come from senator Feinstein's office.  Eshoo told the media that she had met with Ford in July when Ford first raised the matter.  Because of Dr. Ford's fear of being exposed as the accuser, Eshoo says that no one in her office other than one very senior aide knew the nature of Ford's story.  Eshoo and the aide took great pains to keep the story confidential.  They are the ones who told senator Feinstein about the allegations.

If one believes Eshoo, the only source for the leak to the media would be Feinstein's office or Dr. Ford herself.  It seems most likely that Ford didn't out herself.  If she wanted to do that, she could have come forward in July.  It also seems likely that Eshoo is telling the truth.  There would be no reason for her to keep the whole matter confidential for months only to blab now.  She turned it over to Feinstein to handle because DiFi is the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee.

Now we don't know if senator Feinstein herself was the source of the leak or if one her staff took that step.  You can be pretty sure, however, that no staffer leaked Dr. Ford's identity without first clearing that with the senator.  That would be a firing offense in DC.

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