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Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Can't CNN Even Try To Be Accurate?

I happened to watch CNN today for about 15 seconds.  It was too long.  What I heard was one of their afternoon people telling the audience that hurricane Florence coming towards the Carolinas is an accepted manifestation of global warming.  He then went on to blame President Trump for global warming since the USA pulled out of the Paris climate agreement.

It was completely wrong.  Indeed, there was nothing right about it at all.

1.  Florence is a major hurricane.  If it hits North Carolina, it is likely to be a category 3 or 4 storm when it comes ashore.  Okay, so the USA will get hit with a major storm (category 3 or above), something that has happened on average once every three to four years over the last century.  That means that prior to any global warming, we got hit with major storms.  What is more interesting is that from 2005 to 2016, there were NO major storms that hit the USA.  We had the longest period without a major hurricane strike in recorded history despite the full effect of so called global warming.  Last year, however, that string ended and we had major hurricanes.  The point is that we are not having more hurricane activity at all.  The CNN guy is just wrong.

2.  The Paris accords were supposed to lead to a slight reduction in greenhouse gases by 2030.  As of now, there is only one large country that is actually reducing emissions, and that country is the USA.  Paris wouldn't have had any effect (since it's voluntary) and the USA is already doing more than the rest of the world to reduce emissions.

Put this together and the CNN guy was wrongly blaming Trump for something that wasn't actually happening which wasn't causing more hurricanes than normal.  Can't CNN even try to be accurate?

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