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Friday, June 29, 2012

190 Killed in Douma

Breaking news tells us today about 190 people killed in the town of Douma in Syria. Douma is a suburb of Damascus which has been under siege for days by forces of the Assad regime. The town has endured non-stop artillery and rocket attacks. Even so, 190 killed in just one day of shelling is a new record for deaths in Syria. I hope that the world leaders are proud of this fact as they sit around and do nothing.

On the bright side, I suppose that if the rate of killing keeps increasing, eventually Assad will run out of potential victims. After all, why should anyone around the world care if a few million Syrians get slaughtered by their countrymen. Hey, it is not nearly as important as renaming Big Ben the Elizabeth Tower, the European Soccer Championships or the Fourth of July celebrations. Maybe the UN can adopt a new slogan: "Who cares, they're just Syrians".

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