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Saturday, June 30, 2012

The Media Circles the Wagons around Holder

In a truly amazing bit of press coverage, the latest story about Fast and Furious and the House holding attorney general Eric Holder in contempt of Congress is this: Congressman Issa, the chair of the House committee, put an affidavit into the Congressional record despite the fact that the record of the proceeding in which the affidavit was submitted had been sealed by the court. That's right, Issa disclosed an affidavit that had been ordered by the court to be kept secret. And Issa is refusing to even tell the press where he got the affidavit.

To say the least, this story is amazingly misleading. The affidavit in question was signed by high officials of the Justice Department and submitted to a court in order to get a warrant. The affidavit details the practices followed in the Fast and Furious operation of the government's asking American gun shops to sell assault weapons to phony buyers known to be front men for the Mexican drug cartels and then letting the weapons "walk", in other words, letting the weapons be taken back over the border to Mexico. Of course, the problem is that Holder and the DOJ have denied since the start of the investigation that anyone in DOJ knew about the tactics that were being used in Fast and Furious. If one of the top people in DOJ was describing these tactics in a sworn affidavit to a court many months before DOJ claims it first learned of them, it makes clear that Holder and DOJ have been lying to Congress. No wonder they are withholding documents from the investigators.

Only in the liberal press in the main stream media could the story here be that Issa put an affidavit into the record when the actual fact is that the affidavit demonstrates clearly that DOJ has been lying to Congress. Indeed, most of the stories I have read on this subject have not even mentioned the import of the contents of the affidavit. I guess that if NBC News could go a year and a half without ever covering Fast and Furious despite its being a major scandal for the Obamacrats, I should not be too surprised at the way the press is now covering the latest twist in the story. Nevertheless, I find it reprehensible that the main stream media is surpressing this story.

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