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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Debbie Wasserman Schultz --Joining in on the Big Lie

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the abrasive chair of the Democrat National Committee. She is also no slave to the truth. Yesterday, she told CNN that the Republicans and Mitt Romney are doing what they can to prevent an economic recovery since a bad economy is likely to be good for the GOP in November. This statement is madness. Schultz is not differing with the GOP policies. She is not complaining over the proper economic theory to look to as a guide in passing new economic legislation. She is not proposing any fix to our damaged economy. She is not offering any solution to the current malaise. Indeed, she is not even pointing to any solution offered by president Obama which was somehow blocked by the GOP. NO, Schultz is accusing the GOP of intentionally hurting America for its own political gain. She is accusing the GOP of increasing the pain of the average American in order to win a vote in November.

This charge by Debbie Wasserman Schultz is the latest salvo of craziness from Democrat leaders. Two days ago, Nancy Pelosi assured the world that the only reason that the GOP was looking into Fast and Furious was to stop Eric Holder from working on stopping a voter suppression effort by the GOP in various states. More craziness! These two Democrat women could room together at the asylum.

The Democrat leaders are joined by their toadies in the media. Remember Ed Schultz of MSNBC telling viewers on the night of the Wisconsin recall election that Scott Walker would be indicted within a few days? There was no truth to that claim and not even a good faith basis for Ed to say this. But he blurted it out nevertheless.

I know that neither Pelosi nor Wasserman Schultz believe what they are saying. Neither are insane (although I have to say that with Wasserman Schultz I am not entirely certain.) They are, instead, using the "big lie" method of propaganda. This method which was perfected by the Nazi propaganda minister eighty years ago involves stating publicly a total lie which accuses a group of some totally heinous activity. With the Nazis, the lies were aimed at the Jews. With the Democrats, they are aimed at the GOP. Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz are trying to get some weak minded folks to accept that Republicans are willing to do anything and say anything to win even if it means inflicting serious injury on America in the process. In other words, based upon the conduct of Pelosi and Wasserman Schultz, the Democrats are trying to convince the voters that Republicans are willing to to what the Democrats themselves are doing.

No one is trying to suppress votes in the USA. But Pelosi and friends are trying to convince all sorts of people that they are victims of oppression. It will take a long time for that wound to heal. No one is trying to slow economic growth; there is a fight over the proper way to proceed, but that is based upon principles. Schultz and her cronies are trying to change a fight over political principles and economic theories into a fight between good and evil. Again, it will take decades to heal this rift.

Villification of one's opponents is a tactic that has long been common on the left. Those of you old enough to remember the Soviet Union or the early days of Communist China will remember American capitalists being described as dogs, murderers, leeches, and other sorts of vile creatures. Opponents were sub human; they were attacking the "people" and deserved no mercy. It was pure propaganda.

As the Democrats have moved left, the tactic has been adopted repeatedly here in the USA. Think about the non-stop attacks on George W. Bush. Even earlier this week, a small group of left wing crazies left the so-called Take back the Dream conference in DC and marched to the office of Karl Rove demanding that Rove be arrested for his "crimes" (which consisted mainly of running a pro-GOP super PAC.) It was not enough to oppose Rove's super PAC; Rove was "evil" and "criminal" and he had to be arrested.

It is sad that the Democrats have no record of success on which to run. Their ideas were all tried and they all failed. It is also sad that the Democrats have nothing left to propose except more failure. The Democrats need to rethink what is good for the country and to adjust their proposals accordingly. Instead, they are trying to win on fear and dishonesty. They are using the Big Lie tactics that should have been buried under the rubble of Berlin at the end of the Second World War. It is a true disgrace.

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