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Monday, June 3, 2013

Fear and Backstabbing in DC

The pace of the descent of the Obama Administration into a full blown panic attack over the ongoing scandals is picking up.  Just look at what has happened in the last few days:

1.  David Axelrod and David Plouffe both went on TV on Sunday to announce that there could not have been any White House political involvement with the IRS persecution of conservative groups and individuals because it would have been the stupidest political move ever.  So two of the three highest political advisors to the president have as their defense to the IRS scandal involving the White House that it would have been stupid for the White House to have done that.  Really?  That's a defense?  Just think of all the stupid political moves that White House personnel have done in the past.  Didn't someone in the Nixon White House think it was stupid to break into the Democrat National Committee headquarters at the Watergate?  They did it anyway.  Didn't someone in the Clinton White House think it was idiotic for the president to deny that he had engaged in sexual activity with that woman, Ms. Lewinsky?  They did it anyway.  Didn't someone in the Reagan White House think it was dumb to sell weapons to Iran to get money to fund the rebels in Nicaragua?  They did it anyway.  If Axelrod and Plouffe come up with the stupidity of what happened as their main defense, you can tell that they are in full panic mode.

2.  Plouffe was also tweeting over the weekend to attack Darrel Issa over a time 40 years ago when he was arrested, even though the charges were quickly dropped.  That low blow is such an inept shot that it is clear that the White House is trying desparately to come up with something to say.

3.  Sunday's New York Times was filled with statements from "sources" in the White House who said that Attorney General Eric Holder ought to resign.  At the same time, an official White House statement said that president Obama had full confidence in Holder.  What's next?  Will Holder wake up tomorrow with a dead horse's head in his bed?  The dance to get rid of Holder is in full swing.

4.  The Justice Department sent a letter to Congress today which purports to explain why Holder's testimony before a committee ten days ago was not perjury.  There is no point to rehashing all the details, but basically the defense put forward by DOJ is that the application for the search warrant that was given to a federal judge was not truthful, so Holder's statement to Congress was not technically perjury.  In essence DOJ says Holder approved telling lies to a federal court and that this is a defense to claims that Holder lied to Congress.  That has to be the most inept defense I have ever seen.

5.  Nothing else seems to be happening in Washington other than the scandals.  The city is in full frenzy mode.  Each day new developments come out and the frenzy grows.  Clearly the Obama White House is stumped as to how to proceed.  For five years, Obama has ruled the media, so this is the first time he has had to face real scrutiny.  The stress of this change is clearly showing.



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