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Sunday, June 2, 2013

The Stone Wall Crumbles a Bit More at the IRS

Today brings still more extraordinary news about the IRS's persecution of conservative groups and individuals.  Remember, it is only a bit more than two weeks since the IRS got out the word in response to a planted question that it had been targeting Tea Party and conservative groups.  At first, the story was that one or two rogue agents in Cincinnati were responsible for the entire affair.  Day after day, that story fell apart.  We learned that the IRS management, the Treasury Department hierarchy and even the White House staff knew about what had been happening, some for at least a year before the story broke.  Attempts to learn exactly who it was that ordered the persecution to commence proved unfruitful, however, as the IRS commissioners (both past and present) denied knowledge and the woman most directly in charge hid behind the Fifth Amendment protection against self incrimination.  As a result, many of Obama's people continued to say that the practice arose spontaneously as the work of rogue agents in Cincinnati.  Today finally brings clear evidence that the orders for the inquisition against conservatives came directly from Washington and not from a few rogue agents.

The news is set forth clearly in an article today in the Mail online.  Darrel Issa told CNN this morning that investigators had learned from field agents interviewed in Cincinnati that orders for the illegal practice came directly from Washington.  One agent reported being asked repeatedly by Washington for more cases involving Tea Party groups; the agent sent seven himself in response.  Another agent with supervisory duties said that she looked for another job in order to escape the practice of targeting the Tea Party.  She knew the practice was illegal and she did not want to be involved with it.  More agents questioned scoffed at the idea that the plan to target the Tea Party arose with "rogue" agents in Ohio.  These agents pointed out that there were so many reports and other controls on the activities of the field agents that it would be essentially impossible for rogue agents to make moves like this even if they wanted to do so.  There was, however, also consistent confirmation that the orders to target conservatives came directly from Washington.

In the days ahead, we will surely learn who the folks were in Washington who were issuing such orders.  These people will then be interviewed, and will, no doubt, give up their superiors who in turn directed this activity.  The investigators will follow this practice up the ladder until they get to the source.  The information and the truth will eventually come out; you can be sure of that.

We have now reached the point where president Obama has to act.  He needs to go public and demand that all federal employees cooperate with investigators.  Obama also needs to make clear that no further persecution of folks for their political or religious beliefs by the IRS or any other agency will be tolerated.  Indeed, Obama's continuing silence on these points speaks more loudly than anything he has said so far.




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