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Sunday, June 9, 2013

The Worst Epithet of All

New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd is no fan of Republicans or conservatives.  Her usually nasty columns are frequently short on facts and long on attacks.  Nevertheless, MoDo (as she is known) is out today with what is probably the biggest insult she ever delivered.

Today's column goes on at length about the various NSA surveillance programs being run by the federal government.  She blasts George Bush for all of them as if he were still president, but then she moves on to her hero, Barack Obama.  Here is what she has to say about our current president:

Back in 2007, Obama said he would not want to run an administration that was “Bush-Cheney lite.” He doesn’t have to worry. With prisoners denied due process at Gitmo starving themselves, with the C.I.A. not always aware who it’s killing with drones, with an overzealous approach to leaks, and with the government’s secret domestic spy business swelling, there’s nothing lite about it.

When Maureen Dowd calls you the equivalent of George Bush, you cannot get any lower.  It seems that, at least for the moment, Obama has lost his fans at the Times.



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