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Thursday, June 6, 2013

The Despair of the Liberals

Have you ever heard of Martin Bashir?  I doubt that many in the country can answer that question in the affirmative.  Nevertheless, Bashir is one of those "Progressive voices" that has a show on MSNBC during the day.  His ratings are negligible, but what he says is important.  Bashir, you see, provides a glimpse into the strategies that emanate from the White House political operation.  In very reliable fashion, Bashir seems to announce on the air the talking points that the White House political staff wants disseminated that day.  That is why Bashir's latest outburst provides a great insight into the current despair which has overtaken the liberal pols at the White House and throughout Washington. 

Bashir's new outburst was to explain that the reason why Republicans have focused on the IRS persecution of conservative groups and individuals is..........(drum roll please!).........racism.  That's right, according to Bashir, the only reason why the GOP cares about the IRS is because president Obama is a black man.  He even goes back to something that Lee Atwater said thirty-three years ago as proof that the IRS investigation is motivated by race hatred.

Let's be clear.  I cannot say if Bashir is delusional and actually believes this nonsense or if he is just pushing the latest talking points going out to the uninformed members of the Democrat base who always see racism no matter what the GOP does.  What is more important, however, is that his latest attempt to toss the race card on the table shows the mindset at the White House.  The pols on the Obama staff are true pros.  They know that the IRS scandal has as much relationship to racism as a menu at a Chinese restaurant has to the planet Jupiter.  These pols also know that charges of racism are the one point that they can make which has served them well to secure their base in the past. 

That is why I speak of despair at the White House.  It is an act of desperation to throw the race card now.  It means that the White House is worried that it is in danger of losing the Democrat base over the IRS issue.  It means that the White House knows that it cannot win on the facts as they are disclosed.  Indeed, in all likelihood, this is another indicator that White House involvement in the IRS persecution of conservatives is likely to be disclosed soon.  As a result, the White House pols are trying to poison the entire well now.  They want people not to talk about the IRS because to do so is "racist". 

I doubt very much that this wild and desperate strategy will work.  Right now, there are just too many people paying attention.  There are too many members of the press who will see the ridiculousness of the charge of racism and who will not shut up.  (Some will, but enough others will not that the story will continue to grow.)  There are even too many Democrats in Congress who will not cooperate in such a massive cover up attempt from the White House.

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