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Sunday, May 3, 2020

Amazing How Disgusting This Is

The governor of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer, extended the shut down orders this past week despite major protests by Michigan citizens who wanted them relaxed.  Big crowds showed up at the state Capitol building in Lansing.  The demonstration was raucous but totally peaceful.  Some of the demonstrators, however, came carrying guns.  For me, that is going too far.  There's no need to brandish guns to make your point.  In two tweets, the President first said "Liberate Michigan".  Then he suggested that the Michigan governor speak to the protesters, relax the restrictions a bit and make a deal to settle the situation.

So how did the media and the governor respond to this?  Jake Tapper of CNN interviewed the governor and asked her if she would compare the protesters to Nazis.  Really, NAZIS!  Whitmer's response was to call the protesters "racists" and un-American.  Both Tapper and Whitmer should be ashamed of themselves.

Look, you can agree with the governor's call to keep the state tightly locked down or you can agree with the protesters who wanted the restrictions relaxed.  There are arguments for both sides.  Even in the time of corona virus, protesting is a very American thing to do.  What you ought not do, however, is to resort to vile namecalling rather than addressing the merits of the dispute.  Tapper (who should know better) starts by calling the protesters NAZIS.  On what basis?  There was no violence.  Indeed, the protesters were asking for less government control, not the total state control of the sort used by the actual Nazis.  Whitmer responds by calling them racists.  Again, there's no basis for this.  Race had nothing to do with the protest.  She knows this just as Tapper knows that these protesters have no resemblance to Nazis.

Why must the media and the left wing Democrats always label people whose views they don't like as Nazis and racists?  Such conduct is beyond the pale.  Both Tapper and Whitmer should pay a steep price for this conduct.

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