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Saturday, May 16, 2020

Getting Back Towards Normal

The insanity of the post shutdown rules seems to just keep growing.  Here are a few examples:

In CT, governor Lamont announced that restaurants can partially reopen starting next Wednesday if they follow certain guidelines.  One such rule requires everyone in the restaurant to wear masks.  There is an exception for customers seated at outside tables who need not wear masks.  I wonder what genius will figure out how to eat at an inside table while wearing a mask.

In MA, the government of Swampscott has decided that sidewalks in the center of town are going to be made one way in order to help with social distancing.  The police are painting arrows on the sidewalk to indicate the correct direction.  Failure to follow the rules will result in a ticket and fine.  Imagine going from one store to another located next door.  You would have to go the correct direct to the corner, cross the street, walk the full block to the next corner, cross the street again and then walk down the block to get to your destination.  Even in MA, this is an incredible imposition by the government on personal freedom.

In a town in Michigan, people who want to visit a grave in a cemetery must now make an appointment.  The cemetery office can only schedule one visit per hour to each block of twelve graves.  And this is the relaxed rule.

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