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Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Left Is Losing It And It's Obvious

Two events happened this week that merit mention because of how much they indicate that the media/Democrat left wing alliance is just losing it.  It's not that these two events are unique or even surprising; it's just that they are so extreme as to be obviously bizarre to anyone who pays even a small amount of attention to them.  Here they are:

1.  Greta Thunberg is a Swedish high school student who made headlines by sailing across the Atlantic to New York to denounce climate change at the UN.  Her catch phrase is "how dare you", and she applied it to essentially everything that supposedly contributes to global warming.  She became and instant celebrity and then an instant "expert" on climate change.  Of course, she's still just a high school student with no education or experience dealing with the subject.  In this upside down  age of celebrity topping experience and words being more important than deeds, the transformation of Greta into a climate change hero'expert is unsurprising.

This week, however, CNN announced a town hall with a panel of corona virus experts.  The panel has four members and Greta Thunberg is one of them.  So the high school student who protested global warming is now an expert on the virus, at least according to the morons at CNN.  Seriously, when I first saw mention of the town hall on CNN, I thought it was a parody.  No one would proclaim a high school student with literally no experience or education regarding the corona virus to be an "expert" on the virus, but CNN has done just that.  What will come next?  Will CNN hold a town hall on international disarmament with a panel of three including Stormy Daniels, Tara Reade and Gloria Allred?  No, of course not, CNN would never allow Tara Reade or her name to be mentioned on its airwaves.  But a panel of international disarmament experts of Daniels, Allred and Michael Avenatti is a distinct possibility.

The truth is that CNN doesn't really need President Trump to make it a laughing stock; the network does a great job of that itself.

2.  DC federal judge Sullivan was presented with a perfunctory request that he approve the decision of the DOJ to drop charges with prejudice against Michael Flynn.  Sullivan responded not by approving the request (which is the only possible outcome.)  Instead, the judge asked for briefs from non-parties to comment on the request and he also appointed a retired judge who had already denounced the DOJ decision to argue against the request.  This is not just inappropriate; it is bizarrely inappropriate.  So far in the Flynn case, the judge denied 28 requests by non-parties to submit their views on issues in the case.  He correctly told the outside parties that amicus briefs (as these comments by outsiders are called) are not appropriate in federal criminal trials.  Suddenly, the judge is not only asking for such inappropriate briefs, he's also appointing someone to submit one.  Judge Sullivan even gave his appointee suggestions as to possible remedies he could suggest to get jail time for Flynn despite the DOJ decision to drop the charges.

This conduct by the judge is bizarre.  In a sane world, Judge Sullivan would be removed.  Instead, he is turning his courtroom into a political theater to attack the DOJ.  It's a very dangerous precedent.  Indeed, it is so far outside the accepted norm of judicial behavior that it is hard to believe.

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