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Thursday, May 21, 2020

So The Media and the Democrats will Now Attack The CDC

We've just gone for nearly a month as the left wing media and the Democrats in DC have attacked any state that reopened or even considered it.  And, of course, they attacked president Trump for supporting that reopening.  Georgia was going to resemble hell on earth for opening on April 24th; by today, four weeks later, the virus infections in Georgia were going to have at least gone up by a factor of 5.  Instead of multiplying the number of cases by 5, however, the actual number turned out to have gone down, DOWN, in a major way.  In Florida, we were going to witness death and disease on a massive scale because governor DeSantis reopened much of the state.  That too turned out not only wrong but extremely wrong.  Cases declined significantly; they did NOT increase.  Still, the masked brigade in the media and among the Dems pushed the panic line:  we just cannot reopen.  Science says we have to stay closed!

Now, even the science gurus have come out against the panic posse and its push to prevent the reopening.  The head of the CDC has made clear that the country is ready for a full reopening done carefully.  Here's an excerpt from an article today reporting on what the director of the CDC had to say:

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention director Dr. Robert Redfield said Wednesday that he supports reopening the country and that he believes states are “ready” to return to more normal operations, albeit with some key changes, including social distancing and contact tracing.

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