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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

How Dishonest Is The Media - 2

A few days ago, I wrote about how the media twisted what President Trump said about the origin of the corona virus just so they could criticize him.  Well, the media is still at it.  Today, the New York Post has a big story that Dr. Fauci "contradicted" the President by saying that the virus was not "made in" the Wuhan virology lab.  The Post story goes further to say that Fauci also contradicted the statement by Secretary of State Pompeo that the is enormous evidence that the virus "originated" in the Wuhan lab.

This is all nonsense.  Fauci is saying that the virus is natural and not man-made.  In other words, it was not created by scientists in the lab.  Of course, neither the President or Pompeo said that.  No, they said that the virus came from the lab.  The intelligence agencies of Australia, the UK, the US, Canada and New Zealand agree with that assessment.  The virus was being studied in the lab and somehow it got loose into the population.  Was it an accident or intentional?  We don't know.  We do know, however, that the virus originated in the lab and not in the wet market as was the original cover story/lie told by the Chinese.

I realize that most of the media hates the President, but that hatred does not justify spreading lies to mislead Americans on a subject this important.

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