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Saturday, May 2, 2020

Will The Whores Run For Cover Now?

The other day when the Biden campaign decided that it had to start dealing with the Tara Reade charges that Biden had raped her, they put out talking points for various Dem supporters to use.  The first item on the list was that the NY Times had already investigated the matter and cleared Old Joe.  The second item was that Obama had vetted Biden in 2008 and found nothing.  These talking points were dutifully repeated by pundits on TV and also by some rather high profile Biden supporters.  For example, both Amy Klobuchar and Stacey Abrams told the media in interviews that the NY Times had "cleared" Joe after a detailed investigation.  Without a doubt, both women -- each of whom is mentioned as a possible VP pick by Biden -- knew that the Times had NOT cleared Joe.  In fact, the Times article specifically said that it couldn't clear Old Joe.  No matter; both women jumped on the Biden express by repeating the false argument about what the Times had done.

Today, however, the NY Times expressly called for a full investigation of Biden with regard to Reade's claims.  That makes the argument that the Times had cleared him not only false, but also ridiculous.

It's going to be interesting to see if either Klobuchar or Abrams rescinds her story.  Most likely, the media won't ask either one at first.  Still, the question is eventually coming.  Are these two so desperate to be on the ticket that they will shamelessly lie on this subject?  It will be an interesting question.

Just remember when someone says that Biden is picking a person for VP who is ready to be president from day one that both of these women were ready to and did lie on a serious matter just for political advantage. 

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