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Friday, May 22, 2020

How Bad Is Joe Biden?

Joe Biden never fails to outdo himself.  Just when you think he can't get worse, he does.

In the last 24 hours, Biden managed to blow it twice.

The first time he was asked in an interview how he will do in November.  He answered "I am going to beat Joe Biden".  I'm not making this up.  The guy forgot his name and against whom he is running.  Okay, so maybe it is just another of those well known Biden slips.  I don't think so, and I especially don't think so for a president, but the media will surely give him the benefit of the doubt.

But that takes us to the second statement from Old Joe.  This time he didn't screw up what he meant to say.  Instead, he met the old Washington definition of a "gaffe".  That definition is "a gaffe is when you say what you really think."  In other words, when a politician actually tells the truth and it reveals his or her basic nature and views, that's areal problem.  Biden was interviewed this morning by a black host of a morning show.  The guy came on quite strongly.  He demanded to know why Biden was vetting Amy Klobuchar who is white for VP.  After all, the interviewer continued, Biden better remember that it was the black people of South Carolina who saved his candidacy and handed him the nomination.  After Biden hemmed and hawed a bit, the interviewer said that if Biden didn't pick a black VP, then blacks might not vote for him.  That led Biden to say "You ain't black, if you vote for Trump." 

Think about that.  Biden, the old white guy, was telling blacks what they must do to actually be black.  The massah was tellin all them slaves on the plantation what they had to do.  It was a revelation of how Biden actually thinks of African Americans.  To Biden, blacks are the possession of the white leaders of the Democrat party.  The blacks have to do as they are told; they don't get to pick as responsible adults.  It was an incredibly racist remark.

There's a reason why Biden's first decade in the Senate was marked by Biden's battle waged arm in arm with the Southern Democrat segregationists to try to stop school busing designed to integrate public schools across the nation.  Biden, at heart, is a racist.  Oh maybe Biden has learned enough not to speak as if he were Bull Connors, Lester Maddox or George Wallace (three prominent Democrats of the 1960s and 1970s).  But back when Biden announced that in Delaware one cannot go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have an Indian accent, Biden's underlying racism came through.  That was during the 2008 campaign.  Today, Biden's racism came to the surface again.

Most likely, the mainstream media will try to hide Biden's remarks today.  After all, the media can't have the Democrat nominee showing that he is actually a racist.  That ruins the narrative.

Nevertheless, this is the sort of thing that will leak out.  It's also the kind of thing that is going to cost Biden support in the black community just as a similar remark would cost support in almost any community across America.

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