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Sunday, May 10, 2020

What Is Iran Doing?

There are two stories in the news today that make me wonder what in the world the Iranians are doing.  First, Iranian hackers have been blocked after they tried to get into the computer systems of drug maker Gilead.  That's the company that recently had successful trials on a drug to treat the corona virus.  Second, Iranian hackers also launched a cyber attack on facilities controlling the water systems in Israel.  So, on the one hand the Iranians seem to be trying either to sabotage drug companies fighting against the virus or to steal their products, while on the other hand the same hackers are trying to inflict massive damage on civilians in Israel by shutting down the water system in the middle of the response to the pandemic.

These are very dangerous moves.  Fortunately both were block by cyber security systems.  Had the Iranians actually shut down or damaged the Israeli water system, you can be sure that there would have been massive retaliation from the Israelis.  Similarly, if the Iranians had undermined the US effort to fight the virus, there is no doubt that there would have been a massive military response as well.

The Iranian regime is in extremis.  With the price of oil in the 20's, Iran is basically bankrupt.  It cannot sell oil at a profit even if it can sidestep the sanctions that block most sales.  The virus is running rampant inside Iran.  Iran was one of the original hot spots of the virus.  Supposedly, the infection level fell off but, of late, the spread has been going up rapidly.  New cases per day have doubled in just the last week.  On top of this, there is serious unrest across the country which is directed at the Islamic government.  Attempts to pull public stunts like having the Iranian navy harass the US naval presence in the Gulf have failed.  President Trump told our navy to shoot and destroy any Iranian ships that try to interfere with our forces.  Iran was forced to back down in a rather public humiliation.  Still, it seems crazy that the Iranians are launching cyber attacks of this sort.

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