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Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Joe Biden Admits He Was Briefed in advance About the Flynn "investigation"

The lack of clarity put forth by Joe Biden never fails to amaze.  George Stephanopoulos asked Biden in an interview Sunday what he knew about the FBI questioning of general Flynn that led to Flynn's indictment.  Biden said that he knew "nothing" about it and then launched into a long diatribe against the President for diverting attention from the virus.  Stephanopoulos then went back and asked Biden if he had been at the January 5, 2017 meeting in the White House where the upcoming questioning of Flynn was discussed.  Biden admitted that he was (which flies in the face of his knowing nothing about the subject), and then Biden tried to claim he misunderstood the first question.  Biden claimed he thought the question was whether he knew in advance about the indictment. 

It was an obvious lie from Biden or an admission that he cannot understand simple questions.  Biden managed in thirty seconds to claim he knew nothing and then admit that he actually had been brief on the subject in advance.

Most important, though, is that Biden admitted that he was part of the group that set up general Flynn in a perjury trap.  Biden and Obama both were involved.  That puts Biden in the middle of setting a trap to get the incoming National Security Advisor either indicted or fired just at the start of the Trump Administration.  And this is the guy who wants to be president.  What a crook.

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