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Sunday, May 3, 2020

What Gives With The Numbers?

The CDC website shows total deaths from the virus at just over 37,000.  That's strange.  A few days earlier, it showed about 60,000 deaths.  Although I've looked for a reason for the decline in the reported number, I can't find an official explanation.  It's a bizarre problem.

Obviously, the number of actual dead from the virus didn't drop by 40%.  No one is coming back to life.  That means that the prior number has to be wrong or that the current number is for some more limited group of deaths.  As you can imagine, the change is giving rise to all sorts of conspiracy theories on social media.

Someone needs to explain this.

Update.  CDC now says new number is based upon filed death certificates which have at least a 2 week lag. That means CDC number is useless. Why did they change methodology??

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