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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Biden Really Hit A Nerve

Yesterday, Old Joe Biden told a radio audience that if they had questions about whether or not to vote for Trump, then "you ain't black".  There was Biden telling black Americans that they couldn't think for themselves; no, they had to just vote as the plantation masters from the Democrat party told them.  It was an appalling display of how Biden really thinks.  It showed his underlying disdain for African Americans as individuals.  Simply put, it was racism, pure and simple.

I expected that the media reaction would be to ignore Biden's remark.  If the media buried the story, then they could expect few to find out about it.  I was wrong.  The resulting firestorm of criticism from all sorts of African Americans and others was huge.

Biden tried to cover himself.  First he claimed that he had just been joking.  That didn't work.  within two more hours, the whole "joke" claim disappeared and Biden was backtracking furiously. 

Today, I heard a story about Biden's racist rhetoric featured on NPR.  Let's be clear, if a Dem like Biden it the subject of a story on NPR accusing him of racist rhetoric, then it is a major catastrophe for Biden.  Yet, that is exactly what I heard about an hour ago.

It's going to be interesting to see if this story has legs.  If President Trump said something even 10% as appalling as what Biden said, we would hear about it non-stop for at least ten days.  If Biden gets hit with even a quarter of the outrage that Trump would get, it will be devastation to Biden's support among minorities.

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