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Sunday, May 10, 2020

Reporting Narrative Rather Than Facts

The corona virus outbreak is too important a story for the media to ignore the facts.  Right now, they're reporting their narrative and ignoring logic, reason and facts.

Here's a good example:

Reuters is reporting that the spread of the virus is accelerating again in Germany just after Chancellor Merkel announced measures to reopen the country. 

Anyone looking at the headline and reading the article would conclude that the new cases were in response to the reopening.  But they're not related.  Merkel only announced reopening measures on Wednesday.  Don't be confused; they didn't go into effect on Wednesday; that's just when the announcement was made.  Even if all of Germany started on the new rules on Thursday -- which it didn't -- there's no way that by Saturday (the day about which the report was written) there could be any uptick in cases as a result of the change.  Remember the virus has an incubation period before symptoms appear.  At the minimum, there would have to be at least three days passing before people would display symptoms.  Further, only a tiny percentage (less than 5%) of those exposed to the virus show symptoms within 3 days.  The average time is about a week before the symptoms emerge.  Even the people in the media must understand that from Thursday to Saturday is only two days.  Any change in the number of cases can't be the result of the relaxation of restrictions.

It's also important to consider the actual numbers for cases in Germany.  On the two days before the relaxation of restrictions were announced, there were an average of 1250 new cases found each day.  For the last two days, the average number of new cases has fallen to roughly 700.  So the actual statistics are down.  Why is Reuters reporting an increase in the spread of the disease?  If you read the article until nearly the end, you find out that Reuters report is based only upon a model from a German epidemiologist that assumes that relaxing restrictions will increase the spread of the disease.  Even so, the epidemiologist expressly says that it is too soon to know what will actually happen as a result of relaxing the restrictions.  Put in a more blunt fashion, the entire Reuters report is total speculation.

But the media BS doesn't end with just this speculation.  The Druge Report has a huge headline in red that reads "Germany on Edge After New Hot Spots".  It links only to the Reuters article which says nothing about there being any new hot spots.

Look, at this point everyone in America should know what the media narrative about the virus is.  It can be summed up in just a few words as follows:  WE CANNOT REOPEN OR WE WILL ALL DIE!!!!!!!

That narrative is all that gets reported.  The facts don't matter.  Logic doesn't matter.  Reality doesn't matter.

It's time for the American people to let the media clearly know:  THE MEDIA AND ITS NARRATIVE DO NOT MATTER.  

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