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Wednesday, May 20, 2020

The Mayor Who Never (or Always) Disappoints

New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio is a self-important fool who doesn't seem to think about what he says.  That characteristic was one of the main reasons why the mayor's short lived presidential campaign failed miserably.  DeBlasio couldn't even make it the first primary before having to throw in the towel.  He couldn't get above 1% in the polls in order to get in the debates (seems so long ago, doesn't it), so DeBlasio dropped out.  DeBlasio is the guy who always knows where his feet are--they're in his mouth.  But unlike Joe Biden, DeBlasio can blame creeping senility for that problem.  No, DeBlasio has always been like this.

I mention this because DeBlasio has done it again.  This time, the subject is access to beaches in and near New York.  The mayor announced the other day that all beaches in New York City will be closed and totally off limits for the foreseeable future.  Anyone venturing onto the sand will be immediately "taken off" by the police.  DeBlasio claims this is needed to maintain social distancing.  Two days later, though, DeBlasio heard about some beaches on Long Island that were going to be open but which were also going to be restricted to residents of the towns where the beaches are located.  Local officials know that social distancing will require fewer beachgoers, so they put the limit in place.  DeBlasio expressed outrage that NY City residents would be barred from these beaches due to the corona virus restrictions.  Huh?

The mayor may sound idiotic, but this is par for the course.  Remember, this is the same guy who ordered all gyms to be closed and then got special access to his own gym and continued to use it.  When confronted with his flouting of his own rules, the mayor just said that as mayor he needed to exercise.

This guy is a total zero.

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