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Friday, January 11, 2019

A Poll Worth Noting

In December, a major polling company did a post-election survey of the Hispanic community in Florida.  The poll had a great deal of interesting information in it, but there's one question that needs to be repeated here.  The voters being polled were asked if they thought there should be stricter or more relaxed enforcement of the immigration and border security laws.  By a margin of 64% to 29% those polled favored stricter enforcement.

Think about that for a moment.  The Democrats have been fighting to undermine enforcement of immigration laws through sanctuary cities and the like.  They have also been fighting against border security in the current dispute over the partial government shutdown.  The accepted wisdom stated often in the media is that the Democrats are trying to appeal to the Hispanic community with this position.  But if the large Hispanic community in Florida is in favor of stricter enforcement of the immigration laws and better border security by a margin of more than 2 to 1, how can the Dems appeal to that community by doing exactly the opposite?

It's just one poll; I know that.  Still, it's worth noting.

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