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Sunday, January 27, 2019

Today in 2020 -- Howard and Hillary and Harris

The news today about the 2020 presidential race is all H's.

Howard Schultz is saying that he is seriously considering a race as an Independent.  For those who have no idea who Schultz is, he is the former CEO of Starbucks and also a principal owner of the coffee, etc. chain.  He is reputedly worth close to 4 billion dollars, so he could easily self fund a campaign.

Just the hint that he might run as an independent has caused much of the left wing media to try to discredit Schultz already.  Of course, no one is paying attention, so it doesn't matter much.

The media, however, is concerned that Schultz could get anti-Trump votes and split the opposition to the President, thus assuring his re-election.  Somehow, though, I doubt that.

The second "H" is Hillary Clinton.  Hapless Hillary is back seriously considering a third run for the presidency.  This seems like perhaps the worst choice that the Democrats could possibly make.  No one likes Clinton any better today than they did in 2016.  She wouldn't win.  Nevertheless, by trying for office again, she would put herself back in the spotlight and all those indictments that she just missed last time would resurface with the possibility that this time, they would end in government action.

The third "H" is Kamala Harris.  This weekend, Willie Brown, the former Speaker of the California legislature admitted that he got Harris appointed to 2 state positions during the time that he was sleeping with Harris (even though he was married to someone else.)  Harris slept her way into two positions that got her political career started as well as that furnished her with an income of nearly $500,000.  The question is whether or not a woman who advances her career by sleeping with a powerful man more than 30 years older than her will fly in the MeToo era.

And this was just one day.

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