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Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Theresa May Didn't Just Lose; She Was Crushed

The vote on Prime Minister May's Brexit plan was held in the British Parliament today.  May's plan didn't just lose.  It lost by more than 2-1.  The vote was 432 against and 202 in favor of the plan.  That sort of defeat makes it highly problematical for May to continue as prime minister.

One does have to wonder what is coming next in London.  Will there be an election?  Will there just be a new Tory leader, and who would that be?  Will there just be a caretaker sort of government and a Brexit with no deal in place between Britain and the EU?

This is just another bit of uncertainty thrown into the mix in Europe.  Hopefully, this will not lead to the replacement of May by the Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and the odious apparatus he heads.  A Labour government of that sort would be a big step in Britain towards economic disaster.  It would also mark the first time since before the Second World War that Britain would have a clearly anti-Semitic prime minister.  It would also likely end much of Britain's participation in NATO.  In short, it would be bad for the UK, the USA and the world.  And the sad thing is that it wouldn't be so much that Labour won as that the Conservatives lost.  The Tories cannot govern Britain as globalist progressives.  There may be many in the elites who think that way, but the base of the Tories just won't accept that.  Indeed, it was a clear rejection of globalism when Brexit won the referendum a few years ago.

Hopefully, there will soon be some measure of clarity from London.  All we can do is sit and watch.

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