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Thursday, January 31, 2019

Chilling News From Venezuela

Here's a tweet that was sent about 20 minutes ago by Juan Guaido, the president of Venezuela:

"Right now, FAES [the special police force controlled directly by the dictator Maduro] is in my home, my family hom.  I hold Nicholas Maduro responsible for my daughter who is there."

Guaido has been recognized by the USA, and most countries in North and South America as well as Europe as the acting president of Venezuela.  Maduro retains recognition of Cuba, Bolivia, Russia and China.  More important, though, Maduro still has the support of much of the armed forces.

Assuming that the tweet is accurate, it now seems that Maduro is going directly after Guaido with the secret police.  This means Maduro is getting desperate.  He knows he is losing the long term battle, so he is trying to take out the leader of the opposition.  If he doesn't get Guaido, Maduro may decide to hold Guaido's child hostage or, even worse, kill her.

The situation in Venezuela is totally out of control.  I hope this doesn't end with foreign intervention, but Maduro is certainly pushing things in that direction.

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