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Monday, January 14, 2019

Time For Some Perspective

There's a big batch of stories today about the reaction from President Trump to the charge by congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio Cortez that Trump is a "racist".  When first asked about it, Trump responded by asking "Who?"  Then when the question was repeated, he answered, "Who cares?"

The President's response made me realize that he is correct.  Who really cares what Alexandria Ocasio Cortez says?  And why would anyone care what she says?

It's time for some perspective.  AOC is a self proclaimed socialist who represents a district in New York City that is almost completely composed of minorities.  For a long, long time, the district had been represented by a white guy of Irish heritage, a throwback to the days when the district was mostly white working-class Catholics.  AOC squeaked through with a victory in the Democrat primary in which 14% of the voters turned out.  She won by getting many minority voters to back her over the white guy.  I don't diminish her victory; she won when others were unable to do so over the years.  Still, her victory was not a triumph for socialism, but rather a win for a woman with a Hispanic name in a district in which the majority of voters are Hispanic.  My prediction is that fewer than a quarter of those who voted in the primary knew she is a socialist.

Of course, once AOC won, she was proclaimed by the leftist mainstream media as a star.  She hasn't done anything or even said anything that ought to make her a star.  Indeed, her first act in Congress was to break the vow she made to her constituents that she would not vote for Nancy Pelosi to be Speaker.  That was a bad start.  So she's a freshman legislator who likes to talk.

The truth is that there is no reason to pay attention to what she says.  When Trump said, "who cares?" he was right on the mark.

We all ought to try to keep things in proper perspective and stop caring what this woman says.  She doesn't deserve the attention.

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