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Wednesday, January 16, 2019

An Actual Nothing Burger

Hamburgergate is upon us.  President Trump had the victorious Clemson football team to the White House to congratulate the team on its national championship.  It's a traditional move by a president.  Sports champions, both professional and collegiate, are normally feted at the White House.  The big news, however, is that the President served the team members fast food.  There were Big Macs, Domino's pizza, and all sorts of other fast food.  The mainstream media was outraged.  Seriously, the mainstream media was outraged.  I had to say that twice because it is sooooo bizarre.

Some media outlets like Vox thought the menu was racist.  Racist??? Why would fast food be racist?  Others including the Washington Post thought that the food was unhealthy.  The Post said the burgers had too many calories.  Really, the WaPo said that these huge football players might gain weight from eating an 800 calorie sandwich.  One might wonder in what universe that would happen, but the WaPo and others ranted about this anyway.  The WaPo also said that the cost was extravagant.  Really.  The fast food was just too expensive. 

The criticism went on and on, but there was almost no reporting on how this repast came about.  Because of the partial shutdown, the White House does not have its kitchen staff in place to prepare food which would normally be served to the visiting athletes.  The President did not want to have his visitors left hungry, so he had the fast food brought in.  And the President paid for the fast food himself.  So that means the expense was not paid by the government.  (I guess tomorrow the WaPo will say that by paying for the food himself, Trump violated the Constitution and ought to be impeached.) 

By the way, the players loved the food.  None of it was left; they ate it all.

It's stuff like this that makes one realize just how unhinged the mainstream media truly is.

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