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Tuesday, January 29, 2019

A Truly Amazing Article From CNN

In the annals of the most bizarre articles, CNN holds many of the top 25 examples.  Today, however, CNN came out with an article that is just the strangest thing one could ever imagine.  CNN published an article today that explains why the Democrat nomination in 2020 is Kamala Harris's to lose.  CNN would have you believe that Harris has the nomination wrapped up if she just doesn't blow it.

Here are some actual facts.

1.  In preference polls of Democrats taken in the last month or two, Harris has never even finished in the top four.  She normally gets support from fewer than 5% of those responding to the poll.  That doesn't sound like she has locked up the nomination.

2.  With the announcement of her candidacy, Harris has faced a barrage of stories reporting how she began her political career by becoming the mistress of then Speaker of the California legislature Willie Brown.  Brown was both married and over 25 years older than Harris at the time.  Brown got Harris appointed to two different state boards which she used to launch her career.

So we have a relative unknown with a rather tawdry past that will present problems to Democrats who are concerned about the MeToo movement.  The idea that she has the nomination all but locked up is about like saying that the NY Jets have the 2020 Super Bowl victory locked up.

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