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Friday, January 25, 2019

Storming Stone Manor

I've already written about the indictment of Roger Stone; it is a big nothing as far as Russia/Trump collusion is concerned.  I don't want to omit, however, the extremely questionable tactics used by the FBI and the Mueller team to arrest Stone this morning.  Rather than asking Stone to surrender to the police, the FBI conducted a pre-dawn armed raid on Stone's home.  They awakened him with guns drawn and dragged him off to jail.  Oh, and CNN just happened to have a film crew on site to film the entire thing. 

Supposedly, before a raid like this is authorized by the FBI, there has to be a safety report written which concludes that the target is dangerous and needs to be taken down by a bunch of heavily armed agents.  Most likely there is no such report.  The acting Attorney General ought to ask for a copy of that report to be sent to him today.  If there is no report, then heads should roll.

Also, it is hard to imagine that anyone could have concluded that Stone was any sort of threat.  I mean, a judge has already released him on a rather low bail.  If he truly were a threat, the prosecutors would have presented that to the court.  They didn't.

Even worse, someone ought to explain how CNN had a film crew on site.  Surely, CNN wasn't staking out the Stone home at 5 in the morning.  This was a set up by the FBI or the Mueller team to make Stone look like a dangerous criminal.  After all, the main crime he is charged with is lying to Congress.  Remember, George Papadopoulos got 14 days in prison for the same thing.  The arrest was staged as if the FBI were taking down a terrorist group, though.

America deserves to know if the plans followed for this arrest of Stone were approved by Mueller, the FBI director or anyone of moment in the Justice Department.  If such plans were approved, then the people who so approved should be tossed out right now.  It's our justice system, not our system for inflicting political revenge.

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