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Friday, January 11, 2019

It's Racist, It's Racist, It's Racist!

The Democrats are back pushing their favorite line of attack against President Trump; Trump they say is a racist who wants to get rid of people of color.  Congresswoman Jayapal of Washington said on MSNBC yesterday of Trump that "his ultimate goal is to make America pure in the sense of not having immigrants, not having folks of color here and shutting down every form of legal immigration."  Get that?  It's not that Trump wants to stop illegal immigration.  No, he wants to stop LEGAL immigration and keep out all minorities.  Of course, not a single proposal from Trump would stop legal immigration, but that's just an inconvenient fact.  Like other far left Democrats, Jayapal is not concerned with facts.  She wants to push an anti-Trump lie instead.  Also, Trump is trying to get rid of all minorities according to the congresswoman.  Again, nothing in any proposal by Trump would remove minorities from the USA, but she doesn't care.  It's a way to call Trump a racist on a basis that conflicts with the actual facts.

I do wonder how many African Americans believe this stuff.  Economic conditions for the black community have improved greatly under Trump compared to where they were under Obama.  Unemployment for blacks is at the lowest level in history.  The opening of new business ventures by blacks is at the highest level in history.  And as for illegal aliens, these are the folks who keep wages for the poor at low levels by bringing in large numbers of unskilled workers.  This hits blacks and other minorities harder than others.  That means that the groups that will benefit the most from stopping illegal entry into the USA are minorities, the very groups that Jayapal says Trump is trying to get rid of. 

The same is true for other minorities. 

I'm truly tired of Democrats making constant false charges of racism.  They need to stop the race baiting.  It hurts America.  But I guess they don't care.  They think it might be the road to victory in 2020.  Hopefully, America will reject the Democrats' endless use of hatred and these demagogues will learn that race baiting is a losing strategy.  America is better than that.

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