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Monday, January 28, 2019

PDVSA -- or Can You Say Sanctions?

The US government has imposed sanctions on the state owned oil company in Venezuela, PDVSA.  This will not completely cut off American purchases of oil from Venezuela, but it will shut off much of the cash flow that was used by the Maduro regime to keep itself in power.  It's a smart move that raises the pressure on the Maduro regime.  At some point, we will reach the breaking point and the army will toss Maduro out.

I'm waiting to see how the Democrats react to this move.  It presents them with a problem.  The sanctions are a good move by the USA and president Trump.  Still, if it is like nearly everything else, there should soon be a bunch of Democrats and pundits who denounce the action as dangerous and detrimental to US security.  The reasoning? -- Trump can do nothing right!

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