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Friday, January 11, 2019

Who Elsi?

There's a new entrant in the Democrat presidential contest:  Democrat congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard from Hawaii.  That's right, the famous Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.

Okay, so probably you haven't heard of her.  Her biggest accomplishment so far in her career was resigning as a vice chair of the DNC when it was revealed that the chair, Debbie Wasserman Schultz and some others like Donna Brazile had conspired with the Clinton campaign to rig the 2016 nomination contest against Bernie Sanders.  Gabbard has been a non-descript congresswoman.

All that being said, Gabbard is the first candidate to step forward among the Democrats who could possibly run a decent campaign in 2020.  First, she's not old like so many of the Dem candidates.  Second, she's both personable and good looking.  Third, she fits right in with the progressive base of the party.  Fourth, she has the ability to present her point of view without sounding angry or condescending.  Maybe she'll change on the campaign trail, but right now Gabbard is one of the few Dems who can talk about issues without reducing the debate to calling her opponents racists, sexists and the like.  On top of that she has the advantage of being a woman, a Hindu and a Samoan.  That lets her check the boxes in the Democrat diversity sweepstakes.

To be fair, Gabbard is something of a mystery given her previous lack of exposure.  Nevertheless, she could turn out to be a formidable candidate.

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